Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
At Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, we provide victims of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents with experienced lawyers who have a profound understanding of vehicle accidents and liability law. If you’ve been in a car accident, follow the next steps to keep yourself protected.
Our lawyers provide more than legal advice...
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Ford Firm
Tuscaloosa Lawyer Randal Ford and his firm stand apart from other Tuscaloosa attorneys by providing unsurpassed expert legal assistance. The Ford Firm is committed to quality representation that results in the most favorable outcome in each client’s case – whether your case is a civil personal injury case or a...
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Joel L. Sogol, Attorney at Law
Joel L. Sogol is a criminal defense attorney and personal injury lawyer. He is in court five days per week and have been practicing law since 1974. He specializes in giving honest legal advice and defending clients’ rights in criminal court and fight for compensation for those injured due to...
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Krebs Law Personal Injury Lawyers - Tuscaloosa AL Office
"Finding the right lawyer is crucial when you're hurt in Tuscaloosa because of someone else's mistake. Krebs Law, LLC specializes in helping people like you. We understand the stress and pain an injury can bring and are here to guide you through every step. Our law firm's Tuscaloosa personal injury...
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Law Office of Jason C. Neff
Jason C. Neff practices in a broad range of local, regional, and federal concerns, though the vast majority of his practice is focused on Criminal Defense. Jason handles DUI and drug cases in and around Tuscaloosa. Jason also practices in many other areas such as Divorce, Child Custody, Wrongful Death...
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Mezrano Alabama Injury Lawyers
Every day, we wake up and the world is still spinning. There’s work that needs to be done, bills that need to be paid, and loved ones that need to be cared for and helped. None of this changes, though, in the face of a catastrophic injury; providing for your...
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Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys At Law
For more than 30 years, Cartee & Lloyd has been a steadfast advocate for those injured due to negligence. We offer compassionate representation and a proven track record of securing fair compensation for our clients. Trust our experience to fight for your rights. Remember, there are no fees unless we...
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Norris Injury Lawyers
"The personal injury attorneys at Norris Injury lawyers of Birmingham Alabama, can answer your questions, check out on your claim, so you get the best possible help. With beyond 40 years of experience, we know how to win in the fight for injury victims in Alabama and throughout the country...
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Reginald W. Smith Attorney At Law
Over his 30 year career, Reggie has helped thousands of Tuscaloosa and Alabama citizens fight for justice, be it against insurance companies, the local police, the State of Alabama or the Federal Government. His experience, drive and dedication will help you achieve the best possible result with a defense tailored...
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