Montessori World

Montessori World follows the tenets of Dr. Montessori by offering a truly child-centered and multi-sensory environment. The curriculum, classroom, and teacher's role are carefully designed to honor self-paced growth while encouraging group awareness and social cooperation. Each Montessori class operates on the principle of freedom within limits. Every program has...

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"My daughter has been going to Weinackers only a short time now but we absolutely love it. Wish we would have found them sooner. In such a short period of"

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Desire Henline, 01/2019, courtesy of Google

Weinaker's Montessori

The Montessori approach to learning encourages each child to reach his full potential in all areas of life. The classroom environment contains many multi-sensory, sequential and self‑correcting materials. The materials facilitate the learning of skills and concepts. The children are free to work at their own pace with materials they...

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