"Michael came out promptly and did a fantastic job. We had a challenging situation and he took care of it quickly and professionally. I highly recommend this company"

Reviewed by:
John Smolinski, 10/2023, courtesy of Google

Wildlife Solutions, Inc.

We solve animal-related problems. Bats, rats, raccoons or squirrels in your attic? Is your yard being invaded by armadillos, snakes or bees? Even predators like coyotes and bobcats can pose a threat to your pets and family. These intruders can cause serious damage to your property or even your health...

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"We had to call them out for a stray that wandered up that was not in good condition and they were here within the hour. They were kind and compassionate"

Reviewed by:
Candice White, 01/2024, courtesy of Google

ADPH- Baldwin Co Animal Control Center

ADPH- Baldwin County Animal Control Center provides wildlife animal removal for all residents in Baldwin County, AL. We remove animals that are a nuisance within residents homes to prevent potential health threats, disturbance of quality lifestyles, and safe environment. Such animals subject for removal include: raccoons, snakes, opossum, squirrels, rats...

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