Virginia College-Birmingham

Our Website
488 Palisades Blvd | Birmingham, AL 35209

The goal of Virginia College lies in its responsibility to its students, the technical and business communities, and the general citizenry. We have a long history of offering new direction to students. Our Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs emphasize a fast and focused method without sacrificing the quality education that students and employers demand. We constantly research the job market to make certain we are offering those career programs in which the greatest job growth is expected.

For a satisfying career that combines working with your hands to fix things and using your mind to solve problems, get training for a specialized trade. Train with the professional tools of your chosen trade in a hands-on classroom settings. To find out more, complete the Request for More Information or call and talk with an Admissions Representative at the Virginia College campus nearest you.

Virginia College in Birmingham, Alabama, offers the benefits of small class sizes and day or night classes, allowing you to earn the education you want at a time that’s most convenient for you. Financial planning is available for those who qualify and career placement and job assistance continues past graduation, continuing Virginia College in Birmingham’s commitment to our students’ futures! .

Once you have the degree, do you know how to begin your new career? Maybe you’re looking for a new profession, or just want to move ahead in the one that you already have. At Virginia College, our Career Development Specialists stand ready to assist you in obtaining or enhancing your career wherever you are. You’ve waited long enough to have the career you’ve always wanted. That’s why everything we do at Virginia College is designed to help you rise above obstacles and transform your life with a new career.