Tomeka Roberts, M.D., P.C. Obstetrics & Gynecology

Our Website
2006 Brookwood Medical Center Dr #206 | Birmingham, AL 35209

While our all-woman formal specialty is Obstetrics and Gynecology, our priority is in offering compassionate care in a comfortable, friendly setting. The body of every woman is fascinatingly unique to herself. This means that you deserve personalized care that is tailored to meet the specific needs of your own body. The office we have designed is well-equipped, family friendly, and comfortable so that you are at ease during your visits, never feeling rushed and always fully understanding the treatment your doctor recommends.

In our practice, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care, but remember that the first order of business is to listen carefully to your needs and concerns. The working relationship that we build is an important one, because it is your health we are dealing with. Our patients benefit from a wide range of services that span the various circumstances a woman will face throughout her life. Your physician here will assist you in:

Our staff is highly skilled and focused on meeting your needs, whether they be general gynecological care, obstetrics, weight control, or related to a specific condition. Your OB/GYN is the physician that travels with you through some of the greatest ups and downs you may experience. It is this doctor with whom you will discuss specific issues such as sexuality and reproductive health and wellness.

Our physicians are empathetic, caring, and extensively trained to respond to the concerns you may be facing. Through careful evaluation and discussion comes the greatest form of medical care, which we believe our patients deserve. Our site contains valuable information regarding our services, as well as the specific issues that you may be facing. Feel free to browse, and then contact us to schedule your visit with Dr. Roberts. We look forward to meeting you!