Ralph Gibson's World of Dogs

Our Website
4724 Powell Ave S | Birmingham, AL 35222

A well trained dog offers exceptional companionship, giving you and your family many years of enjoyment, companionship and shared pleasure. Our program goes beyond mainstream obedience training … “sit”, “stay”, “heel”, and “come”. An overall, obedient attitude can be developed. The positive effects of properly educating a dog and owner, using our training methods, are endlessly rewarding. We provide the best dog owner training available.

We focus on the natural order that canines expect and teach you how to fit in that natural order. We use no treats, clickers, pinch chains or other such unnecessary gadgets or tricks. Our approach centers on teaching you about your dog, its natural instincts and personality, and helping you learn to provide the leadership that your dog so keenly desires, even requires, to be a happy, well-adjusted member of your “pack”.

Frankly, training a dog is the easy part, after many years and thousands of dogs. What is difficult is training dog owners. In order to help you be a successful leader of your dog, we must help you become competent at seeing the world through the eyes of your dog, thinking like a dog, and understanding how interact with your dog in a way that makes sense to a dog. Our approach simply makes traditional “dog training” obsolete.