Glass Doctor of Birmingham
205-545-8096Our Website
Serving Birmingham and surrounding areas | , AL
Because Glass Doctor® specializes in mobile service, its custom-designed service vehicles carry complete inventory and supplies. The company’s skilled specialists can provide service almost anywhere, allowing most installations to be completed within 24 hours of the customer’s service call. The Glass Doctor team of professionals offers emergency services seven days a week. Emergency services include immediately securing broken windows and doors with plywood, measuring openings for new glass, and rush ordering glass from preferred suppliers. Whether the on-site call is an emergency or not, Glass Doctor service specialists will treat their customers’ homes and businesses with respect. For example, service specialists wipe their feet on special Glass Doctor mats before entering, wear shoe covers while inside the home or business, and remove glass and excess materials upon leaving.
Glass Doctor retail stores offer the same attention to extraordinary service. Due to their controlled conditions, the stores offer vehicle glass services the mobile service specialists may not be able to complete on site. Retail store representatives can assist customers in selecting the right glass for their homes, such as energy-saving insulated glass, low-maintenance glass, tinted glass, entry door glass, mirrors, shower enclosures, and decorative glass.
All About Glass
Find everything you need to know about glass including the types of glass, design ideas and services we offer. Delve into our expansive database to further your knowledge of our products.