Epoxy Floor Coatings
205-208-0877Our Website
Servicing Birmingham and surrounding counties | , AL
Lifetime Epoxy Floors is one of the most trusted names in flooring in Alabama.
It is a division of Garage Shapeups, LLC. We have a A+ Rating by the Better Business Bureau. We offer 1 Day Installs and Lifetime Warranty for all residential applications.
Our installers are trained, experienced and certified. We install floors in residential, commercial and industrial jobs.
The key to our professional beauty, quality, and durability is our documented 5-STEP PROCESS of installation. Read more about this process and other important facts about epoxy floors and epoxy floor maintenance at http://www.LifetimeEpoxyFloors.com/
Our floors are great for garages, patios, porches, basements, walkways, game rooms, church activity floors, school floors, food service establishment, oil changes bays, office floors, and industrial warehouse floors.
We can easily convert your ugly cement surfaces into a beautiful and durable surface. Our floors do not peel, crack, or show hot tire marks, We also repair cracks and offer stem wall coverage also.