Dr. Stacy J. Haynes, MD

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3825 Lorna Rd # 240 | Birmingham, AL 35244

Dr. Stacy Haynes is a Dermatologist in Alabama with offices in Oxford and Birmingham. She is certified in mesotherapy and a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Mesotherapy, The Mineral District and The National Medical Association. She has been in private practice for over 18 years. Her medical school training was completed at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. After finishing a year of pathology at VA Wadsworth Medical center in California, she completed her dermatology residency at King-Drew/UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

With the help of her, Nurse Practioners Christa Heard, Katie Tuck and Summer Phelps and Medical Aestheticians, Katie Bowden; she has developed an intergrated approach to the treatment and management of skin conditions. This approach incorporates traditional medicine, cosmeceuticals, and non-invasive procedures. She and her team are dedicated to the enhancement of natural beauty.