Alphawash - Pressure Washing

Our Website
1818 Lk Rdg Rd, | Birmingham, AL 35216

“Specializing in House and Roof Washing in the Birmingham Metro Area

AlphaWash is an exterior cleaning company that stands for EXCELLENCE in both the jobs we do and the EXPERIENCE that we provide to our customers!

“The AlphaWash Promise”: Our promise to you is to always provide an excellent personal experience and service that is professional, clear, and enjoyable.

Alpha House Washing
Alpha Roof Washing
Alpha Concrete Cleaning
Alpha Pressure Washing
Alpha Gutter Cleaning
Alpha Commercial Washing

What we stand for:
EXCELLENCE – We approach projects with the intention to achieve excellence in the work we do, and in the experience we create with both our team members and clients – we always look for an opportunity to go the extra mile.
POSITIVITY – We create the best outcome possible by always equipping an upbeat and positive attitude.
ACCOUNTABILITY-We take responsibility and action to ensure the best result for our team, our clients, and our community where ever we are.
INTEGRITY -We do the right thing no matter what, and are clear and upfront when challenges arise.
CONFIDENCE -We anticipate and act with confidence when approaching challenges.
PURPOSE -We hold to our core values allowing us to live with purpose and act with intention – creating fulfillment, opportunity, and freedom that will change the lives of us and the people around us for the better”