Russel's Automotive Inc.
770-946-4848Our Website
88 Woolsey Rd. | Hampton,, GA 30228
Welcome! Its our goal at RUSSELLS AUTOMOTIVE to always provide great service and high-quality workmanship at a fair price. Please browse around our website to learn more about us and our commitment to provide you with the best service possible.
Make an appointment right online. It’s quick and easy – just click on our calendar to pick the best day and time to drop off your car.
Check the list of services we perform.
Get your own personal car care page! It will provide lots of information about your car, including recalls, service bulletins and recommended maintenance. Whenever you make an online appointment with us, the service history is added to your page for you to review any time (good service records are also very helpful when it comes time to sell your car).
Get a map to our shop.