John Colegrove: Hometown Investment Advice
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5425 Peachtree Pkwy | Servicing All Metro Atlanta, GA 30092
John Colegrove has been honored by Dave Ramsey as an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) for Investments in Metro Atlanta. In Baby Step 4, Dave recommends that families invest 15% of their household income into Roth IRAs or pre-tax investments. Dr. John is a proud small business owner and has operated his practice since 2001.
Back in 2008, when the “Great Recession” was still in full swing, John Colegrove learned about Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) Class from one of his favorite clients. Convinced of the success of the program, he helped install it at Simpsonwood United Methodist Church, where he is a member, and has helped coordinate Dave’s FPU class there ever since.
Through that experience, John Colegrove also became a big Dave Ramsey fan and supports Dave’s principals through his own practice. In 2009, John Colegrove applied for the exclusive Dave Ramsey ELP Investing Program. Almost 4 years later, on April 8, 2013, John Colegrove was tapped for the Dave Ramsey ELP Investing Program in Metro Atlanta.
An avid proponent of education, Dr. John holds the Certificate in Financial Planning from Oglethorpe University (2014). And through his music career in performance and education, he holds three degrees in that field, including a Doctorate from UNC Greensboro (1999), a Masters from the University of Notre Dame (1995), and a Bachelor’s from the University of Georgia (1993).