Georgia Neck & Back (Lawrenceville)
770-963-5585Our Website
960-B Herrington Rd | Lawrenceville,, GA 30044
Whether you’ve been involved in a serious automobile accident or what appeared to be a little “fender bender,” your neuro-musculoskeletal system will feel the effects of the collision. Neck and back pain occur when the impact of an auto accident forces the musculoskeletal system out of proper alignment. The impact can also strain your neck muscles, resulting in further stiffness, tenderness and pain.
Auto accidents happen every day in metro Atlanta, but care of people injured in accidents is generally insufficient and not handled by an auto accident doctor. Many people go to the hospital after an accident, where in most cases, they get only CT scans and X-rays to examine their injuries and pain killers and muscle relaxers to treat them. This treatment may help temporarily, but it will NOT get you back on the road to health.