844-527-7421Our Website
| Servicing All Counties, GA
There’s a lot of in here–
Chances are you’re looking for it. We’re here to help you find it. We put our heart into making meaningful connections that lead to long-lasting relationships.
This is where we first meet. You start by taking our Relationship Questionnaire – look at it more like an exercise to get your heart really moving. It is designed to help us get to know you at a deeper level. It’s the first step in finding love. Take it! It’s comprehensive and at times revealing, but don’t worry, it’s a lot of fun and a breeze to get through.
Be yourself…you’re awesome
It’s important to be honest when answering the questionnaire – it is not a test, so relax and have fun! Don’t worry if you’re messy or you get sweaty palms – it makes us who we are. We ask you these questions so we can match you with people who are truly compatible with you. So exhale and let it all go. And to make things even easier, you can take the questionnaire on the go, anywhere using your mobile device, iPad, or desktop.