Animal Resort & Spa
912-234-5931Our Website
| Servicing all of Chatham County, GA
Animal Resort and Spa,LLC is a boarding, grooming and daycare facility for dogs,cats and birds. For dog boarding we offer standard runs or bedroom style suites. All of our boarding facilities are inside and climate controlled. A standard inside run has a raised Coolaroo bed, dog bed, blanket and toys. Larger 10×10 runs are available to accomodate multiple dogs from same owner.
We have separate inside runs for small dogs and less active or older dogs. A inside bedroom /suite is a 10×10 room. Each suite is equipped with a toddler bed, blankets, dogbed and rug. Multiple dogs from same owner can stay comfortably in one suite. Suite boarders have a separate play yard. Outdoor play areas are separated by chainlink fence and enclosed with 6 ft. privacy fence. All areas are monitored by surveillance and security cameras.
Included in our boarding rates for dogs are: Daily 6 potty breaks walks and individual or group play times in any of our 5 yards. group play is determined upon owner’s instructions and temperament. We board pets with special food or special feeding instructions. We are able to administer any prescribed medication(oral,topical,injectable) at no additional cost.
We are not able to board pets with contagious diseases(Flea infestation, Hookworms, Whipworms, Coccidia, Kennelcough). We will not board a female dog in heat. We reserve the right to refuse pets, that require veterinary attention, due to stress or other health related problems. Please ask your veterinarian for advise first.
We recommend to bring your pets’s own food to avoid stomach upsets. Our house food is Hill’s Science Diet adult and puppy. Daycare is offered Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 7 pm (no week-end or holiday). Each Daycare dog will have its own standard run. Included in Daycare are 6 potty breaks and monitored playtimes in our large yards. We will select group play daily depending on individual temperament and compatibility.